Past & Current Plans
and Best Practices
A report to the Planning Capstone Studio
on the Walworth Run Corridor

Obtain, review, summarize plans; determine relevancy to issues, themes, proposals
Obtain, review, summarize innovations and best practices with regard to redevelopment schemes for similar corridors
Relate to the Cuyahoga Valley Initiative

Past and Current Plans
WIRE-Net’s Stockyard Development Program and Strategy
West Creek Valley Management Plan
Connecting Cleveland 2020 Plan
Cleveland Bikeway Master Plan

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Past and Current Plans, cont’d
Cuyahoga County Greenspace Plan
Linking the Towpath Trail
The Cuyahoga Valley Initiative
The Cleveland Innerbelt Study

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Lower Big Creek: Existing uses

Lower Big Creek
Current land-use: Industrial/land fill
Proposed: Mixed Industrial & recreation
Multi-use path from Zoo to Towpath Trail
Redevelopment strategy: Brownfield redevelopment studies, easements, and acquisitions of parcels along the valley
Funding: Federal/EPA (80%)
    City of Cleveland (20%)

Lower Big Creek: Existing conditions
Closed & active landfill operations
Significant illegal dumping
Highway impairment
Some intact riparian cover

Bessemer Road Extension

Bessemer Road Extension
Current land-use: Vacant or underutilized
Proposed: Industrial
Redevelopment strategy:
  - Build it, they will come
  - Relocate scattered industry away from prime residential development sites
Funding: Federal/TRAC  ($8 million)

Treadway Creek
Current land-use: Industrial/land fill
Proposed: Restore riparian river valley
Multi-use path from neighborhoods-Towpath
Redevelopment strategy: Brownfield redevelopment studies, easements, and acquisitions of parcels along the valley
Funding: Federal/State (80%)
    City of Cleveland (20%)

South Side Works (Pittsburgh)
Redevelopment of Industrial brownfields for a new mixed-use neighborhood development.
Connect to river through new street patterns and trails.
Goals: 1) job creation 2) river access will push commerce, neighborhood life, and recreation towards riverfront.

City of Alton, Illinois Industrial Business Corridor
Remediate & redevelop 1 large brownfield w/ the hope of spurring further redevelopment around surrounding properties.
Goal: Brownfield cleanup will rejuvenate older urban core.
Funding: Federal/EPA Brownfields Pilot Program; City/TIF money

Redevelopment of Lyndale Corridor (Minnesota)
Land-use Alternatives
Strengthening Corridor Entrance

Greening the Corridor
 (Restore tree canopy, introduce planting strips)

Reconstruction of sidewalks and construction of Bike paths

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Lancaster Avenue
Philadelphia, PA
Lancaster Avenue, a commercial corridor that runs parallel to a railroad, bears close similarities to the Train Avenue Site.
A more heavily traveled artery than Train Avenue but its past and present land uses indicate that it may serve as an effective model for industrial corridor redevelopment.

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Lancaster Avenue: Project Objectives
Corridor beautification
Generate a strong identity for the corridor
Promote commercial development and expand retail services
Enhance the "sociability" of the corridor

Phalen Corridor Initiative
St. Paul, MN

Phalen Corridor Initiative
St. Paul, MN
The Phalen Corridor Initiative is a comprehensive community reinvestment effort.
Project Objective: To restore economic, physical, and social prosperity to Saint Paul's East Side.
The project’s centerpiece is the creation of a 2.6-mile long boulevard that will span the corridor and link over 100 acres of under-utilized urban land.

Central Eastside Industrial District Portland, OR
Branding the Train Avenue site as an “industrial district”
An industrial redevelopment success story

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Central Eastside Industrial Council:
 Vision for the Evolution of an Industrial District
Employment Growth
New Urban Industries
Complementing other Districts
Preserving the District Fabric

Central Eastside Industrial Council:
Implementing the Vision
Growth—Expanding Opportunities
Retention—Preserving a Working District
Support—For the Present and Future District