IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 24, 2005
COLUMBUS — Lieutenant
Governor Bruce Johnson today announced that the State Controlling
Board has approved $1.5 million in Ohio Housing Trust Fund (OHTF)
dollars that will be used to help Ohio's low- and moderate-income
families and individuals obtain housing and housing
“This funding provides hundreds of low- and
moderate-income Ohioans and their families affordable, quality
housing,” said Johnson, who also serves as Director of the Ohio
Department of Development. “The Ohio Housing Trust Fund continues to
have positive impacts on Ohioans seeking housing assistance.”
The OHTF, created in Ohio House Bill 339, provides
housing and housing assistance to Ohio's low- and moderate-income
families and individuals. Nonprofits, private developers, lenders,
and certain local units of government are eligible to participate in
the OHTF programs. The OHTF is funded with recordation fees
collected at the county level and remitted to the state
The Community Builders Inc. (Summit County)
will receive $250,000 from the OHTF in the form of a cash flow loan
at a 2 percent rate over a 30-year term to develop Elizabeth Park
North, a new construction multifamily rental housing credit
development to be located in the City of Akron. The project will
consist of 97 units in 32 two-story buildings. The project will
feature 20 units affordable to households at 25 percent of the area
median gross income (AMGI), 22 units will be affordable to
households at 35 percent of the AMGI, six units will be affordable
to households at 50 percent of the AMGI, and 49 units will be
affordable to market rate households. Twenty percent of the units
will be set aside for the special needs population of extremely
low-income households.
Glenville Development Corporation (Cuyahoga
County) will receive $250,000 from the OHTF in the form of a
cash flow loan at a 2 percent rate over a 30-year term to develop
Glenbrooke Homes III, a scattered site housing credit rental project
to be located in the City of Cleveland. The project will consist of
60 new construction single-family homes. The project will feature
three units affordable to households at 30 percent of the AMGI, nine
units will be affordable to households at 42 percent of the AMGI, 16
units will be affordable to households at 47 percent of the AMGI,
and 32 units will be affordable to households at 48 percent of the
AMGI. Twelve of the units will serve the special needs population of
households with family members with serious and persistent mental
illness. Residents will be offered a lease purchase plan at the end
of the compliance period.
New Sunrise Properties, Inc. (Lorain County)
will receive $550,000 from the OHTF in the form of a cash flow loan
at a 2 percent rate over a 30-year term to develop New Riverbend
Homes, a housing credit lease purchase rental project to be located
in the City of Elyria. The project will consist of 60 single-family
units on scattered sites. The project will feature 14 units
affordable to households at 45 percent of the AMGI, six units will
be affordable to households at 41 percent of the AMGI, and 40 units
will be affordable to households at 48 percent of the AMGI. Ten
percent of the units will be reserved for households with severe and
persistent mental illness.
East Akron Neighborhood Development Corporation
(Stark County) will receive $250,000 from the OHTF in the form
of a cash flow loan at a 2 percent rate over a 30-year term to
develop Massillon Homes, a single-family housing project to be
located in the City of Massillon. The project will consist of 50
single-family homes on scattered sites. The project will feature 15
units affordable to households at 50 percent of the AMGI, 30 units
will be affordable to households at 53 percent of the AMGI, and two
units will be affordable to households at 49 percent of the AMGI.
Five percent of the units will be reserved for households with
severe and persistent mental illness. Three units will receive
rental subsidy through the U.S. Housing and Urban Development
Shelter Plus Care Assistance Program for the homeless and mentally
disabled and will be affordable to households at 28 percent of the
Habitat for Humanity of Ohio, a nonprofit
organization, will receive $200,000 from the OHTF Special Projects
Program to assist 19 Habitat affiliates located in participating
jurisdictions and not eligible to participate in the Community
Housing Improvement Program. A total of 19 families consisting of
approximately 51 persons will benefit from the program. The
participating families must have incomes at or below 65 percent of
the AMGI and will help build a home. The local affiliates will be
encouraged to seek additional funding partners for the project.
Media Mike Hogan at 614.644.1931 Contacts: Bill Teets at