Ohio Housing Trust Fund
Summit County

Summit County has received the following financial assistance from the Ohio Housing Trust Fund.

Access, Incorporated received a $50,000 grant to provide transitional housing and supportive services for homeless women with incomes at or below 35 percent of the area median income. The program will assist 15 households/persons (2005).

Legacy III received an $80,000 grant to provide transitional housing with supportive services to homeless women suffering from a chemical dependency with incomes or below 35 percent of the area median income. The program will assist 36 persons (2005).

ACCESS, Inc. received a $22,800 grant to operate a transitional housing program for women. The agency also provides supportive services, including case management, counseling, job referrals, life- skills training and referrals to permanent housing. The program will serve 12 women (2005).

H.M. Life Opportunity Services received an $83,200 grant to operate a transitional housing program for single-parent families. The agency also provides supportive services, including referrals to permanent housing. The program will serve 32 households consisting of 83 persons (2005).

ACCESS, Inc. received a $63,700 grant to address health and safety issues at the shelter and the transitional housing facility, including expanding the shelter's facilities, and replacement of three doors, 25 windows and the basement and first floor stairs at the transitional facility. The shelter serves homeless women and women with children and the transitional facility serves homeless women (2004).

Area Agency on Aging 10B received an $80,000 grant to provide emergency home repairs and handicapped accessibility modifications for homeowners age 60 or older with incomes at or below 35 percent of the area median income in Portage, Stark, Summit and Wayne Counties. The program will serve 50 households/persons (2004).

Community Support Services received a $112,000 grant to provide rental assistance to persons with incomes at or below 35 percent of the area median income suffering from mental illness who were denied Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority housing because of past drug or criminal involvement. The program will serve 18 households (2004).

Humility of Mary Life Opportunities received a $137,000 grant to provide transitional housing and supportive services to homeless women and their children with incomes at or below 35 percent of the area median income in Summit County. The agency will also use the funds for supportive housing expenses. The program will serve 84 households consisting of 252 persons (2004).

Salvation Army of Akron received a $200,000 grant to provide emergency rent, mortgage and utility payments to prevent eviction, foreclosure and utility disconnections to households with incomes at or below 35 percent of the area median income in Summit County. The program will serve 637 households consisting of 1,910 persons (2004).

Salvation Army - Akron received a $53,000 grant for staff salaries and operating expenses and to provide supportive services including case management, children's programming, cleaning and hygiene supplies, food, transportation, permanent housing referrals and rent and utility assistance to women and their children. The agency operates a 21-bed shelter (Booth Manor). The program will serve 45 households consisting of 165 persons (2004).

Access, Inc. received a $19,900 grant for staff salaries. The agency provides transitional housing and supportive services including case management, counseling, job placement, life-skills training and permanent housing placement to homeless women. The program will serve 11 women (2004).

H.M. Life Opportunity Services received a $72,900 grant for staff salaries and operating costs. The agency provides transitional housing and supportive services to homeless, single-parent families. The program will serve 48 households consisting of 149 persons (2004).

East Akron Neighborhood Development Center received $300,000. The Arlington Homes V project involves the new construction of ten single-family homes in Akron, Summit County. This infill homeownership project will be affordable to households between 54% and 75% of the AMGI. This product is available to households with incomes at or below 80% of the HUD median family income limits (2003).

Access, Inc. received a $30,000 grant to provide transitional housing and supportive services to formerly homeless women with incomes at or below 35 percent of the area median income in Summit County. The agency will also provide emergency rental and utility payments/deposits for families with incomes at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines and at least one dependent child. The housing and supportive services program will assist 14 households/persons and the emergency program will assist 26 households consisting of 46 persons (2003).

Area Agency on Aging 10B received a $40,000 grant to complete emergency home repairs and handicapped accessibility modifications for homeowners age 60 and older with incomes at or below 35 percent of area median income in Portage, Stark, Summit and Wayne Counties. The program will assist 20 households consisting of 40 persons (2003).

Legacy III, Inc. received a $42,000 grant to provide transitional housing and supportive services to formerly homeless women recovering from chemical dependency with incomes at or below 35 percent of the area median income. The program will assist 28 persons (2003).

Community Support Services received a $100,000 grant to provide rental assistance to 40 persons diagnosed with a mental illness and with incomes at or below 35% of the area median income who have been denied Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority housing due to past drug or criminal involvement (2002).

East Akron Neighborhood Development Corp. received $240,000 for the Arlington Homes IV project; it involves the new construction of eight single-family homes in Akron, Summit County. This in-fill, homeownership project will be affordable to households between 42% and 58% of the AMGI. The project will set aside 25% (two units) for single-parent heads of household (2002).

H.M. Life Opportunities Services received a $105,000 grant to provide temporary rental assistance and supportive services to homeless single-parent families with incomes at or below 35% of the area median income in Summit County. The program will benefit 65 households consisting of 228 persons (2002).

Housing Network, Inc. received a $70,000 grant to complete emergency home repairs and handicapped accessibility modifications for individuals and households with incomes at or below 35% of the area median income in Summit County. The program will benefit 15 households consisting of 23 persons (2002).

Legacy III, Inc. received a $30,000 grant to provide transitional housing and supportive housing services to 24 single women recovering from chemical dependency with incomes at or below 35% of the area median income in Summit County (2002).

Neighborhood Development Corp. of Akron received $300,000 for Channelwood Village; it involves the redevelopment of 274 garden apartments and townhouse components of its project, located south of downtown Akron. This facility will restrict 219 units to households at 45% of the AMGI. The remaining 55 units will be affordable to households at 35% of the AMGI. Channelwood Village will set aside 20% of its units for extremely low-income households at or below 35% of the AMGI (2002).

Access, Inc. received a $42,000 grant to provide supportive services to individuals and families with incomes at or below 35% of the area median income in Summit County. The program will serve 12 households/persons (2001).

The Community Drug Board (DBA Community Health Center) received $300,000 to develop eight units of multifamily, two-year transitional housing on a 2.92-acre site in the city of Cuyahoga Falls, Summit County. All of these units will receive rental assistance. The target population is homeless mothers in substance abuse recovery, who have custody of at least one minor child. Existing on the site is a partially constructed six-unit building that will be rehabilitated. An additional building will be constructed that will have two additional units and will be for the sensory-impaired and handicap-accessible. Rents for all units will be affordable to households at or below 30% of the AMI (2001).

East Akron Neighborhood Development Corporation, Inc. received $220,000 to develop 34 newly constructed units, and rehabilitate six existing and occupied units, on scattered sites within the Summit Lake area of the city of Akron, Summit County. All of the newly constructed units will be single-family detached, four- bedroom units; and all of the existing and occupied units will be multifamily, three-bedroom units. All 40 units of the Summit Lake Homes Project will be affordable to households with incomes at or below 44% of the Area Median Income (AMI). Three of the three-bedroom units, and 17 of the four-bedroom units, will be occupied by households with incomes at or below 50% of AMI. The project has OHFA Housing Credits, and is a lease-purchase project (2001).

East Akron Neighborhood Development Corporation received a $58,000 grant to complete emergency home repairs for 50 households consisting of 60 persons. The program will serve households with incomes at or below 35% of the area median income (2001).

H.M. Life Opportunity Services received $275,300 to construct 11 units of transitional housing in the Northfield Center Township in Summit County. This project will serve single parent families in transition from homelessness. There will be three buildings containing three to four units of two and three-bedroom flats. All of the units will be affordable to and occupied by households at or below 35% of the AMI. One unit will be reserved for a property manager who will also be of low to moderate income (2001).

Housing Network received an $85,000 grant to complete emergency home repairs for 66 households consisting of 157 persons in Summit County. The program will serve households with incomes at or below 35% of the area median income (2001).

Area Agency on Aging 10B, Inc. received a $80,000 grant to provide emergency home repairs and handicapped accessibility modifications for homeowners age 60 or older with incomes at or below 35% of the area median income in Portage, Summit, Stark and Wayne Counties. The program will serve 40 households/persons (2000).

Community Support Services, Inc. received a $90,000 grant to provide transitional housing and supportive services to mentally ill persons with incomes at or below 35% of area median income who have been denied Akron Metropolitan Housing Authority (AMHA) housing because of past drug or other criminal involvement. The program will prepare those persons for successful entry into AMHA housing by helping them demonstrate good tenancy, and through coordination and advocacy with AMHA. The program will serve 45 persons/households over a two-year period resulting in 34 persons/households moving into permanent housing (2000).

H.M. Life Opportunity Services (HMLOS) received a $115,000 grant to provide transitional housing and supportive services to homeless single-parent families and a six-month after-care program for previously homeless families who are considered a high risk to return to homelessness. The project will assist 94 households consisting of 290 persons with incomes at or below 35% of the area median income (2000).

Legacy III, Inc. received a $40,000 grant to provide transitional housing and supportive services for chemically dependent homeless women with incomes at or below 35% of the area median income. The program will serve 24 households/persons (2000).

Rural Opportunities, Inc. received a $159,800 grant to provide emergency home repair/handicapped accessibility modifications to owner-occupied homes with household incomes at or below 35% of the area median income in Stark County. The agency will also provide homeownership counseling and downpayment assistance to low-income households with incomes at or below 65% of the area median income in Ashtabula, Geauga, Lake, Mahoning, Portage, Stark, Summit and Trumbull Counties. The program will provide home repairs for 12 households consisting of 30 persons. The program will also provide homeownership counseling for 90 households consisting of 180 persons and downpayment assistance for 40 households consisting of 85 persons (2000).

Summit County Housing Trust Fund (SCHTF) received an $85,000 grant to provide homebuyer education and downpayment assistance to households with incomes at or below 65% of the area median income in Summit County. The project will include pre- and post-sale homeownership counseling, linkages to rehabilitation resources in the community and up to $3,0000 in downpayment assistance and closing costs. SCHTF will provide homebuyer counseling and downpayment assistance to 20 households consisting of 52 persons (2000).

Buckeye Community Hope Foundation received a $300,000 grant to construct 72 townhomes in Cuyahoga Falls (Cuyahoga Terrace). A total of 28 of the townhomes will be affordable to households with incomes at or below 50% of the area median income (AMI). The remaining units will be occupied by households with incomes at or below 60% of the AMI. The project also received a reservation of Ohio Housing Tax Credits (1999).

East Akron Neighborhood Development Corporation received a $33,600 grant to provide emergency home repairs for elderly homeowners, with incomes at or below 35% of the area median income, in Summit County. The program will assist 25 households consisting of 34 persons (1999).

The Housing Network, a consortium of 55 neighborhood-based, housing organizations, received a $78,000 grant to provide emergency home repairs to households with incomes at or below 35% of the area median income. The program will serve 35 households consisting of 75 persons (1999).

East Akron NDC received a $300,000 grant to construct 11 single-family homes in east, north and south Akron (Arlington Homes II). The homes will be affordable to households with incomes at or below 65% of the area median income and will be occupied by households with incomes between 55% and 65% of the area median income (1999).

Area Agency on Aging 10B received an $82,800 grant to provide emergency home repairs and handicapped accessibility modifications to 52 elderly homeowners with incomes at or below 35% of area median income (1998).

The Battered Women's Shelter of Summit and Medina Counties received a $100,000 grant to provide domestic violence survivors with security/utility deposits. The project will serve 130 women/households with incomes at or below 35% of area median income (1998).

East Akron Neighborhood Development Corporation received a $19,700 grant to provide emergency home repair services to 16 elderly homeowners with incomes at or below 35% of area median income (1998).

H.M. Life Opportunity Services received a $110,000 grant to provide transitional housing and supportive services to 68 households consisting of 184 persons with incomes at or below 35% of the area median income in Akron (1998).

Housing Network received a $69,500 grant to provide emergency home repair services to 31 households consisting of 67 persons with incomes at or below 35% of area median income (1998).

Legacy III, Inc. received a $38,000 grant to provide relapse prevention/employment-related skills/money management counseling services to 24 formerly chemically dependent women with incomes at or below 35% of area median income (1998).

East Akron Neighborhood Development Corporation received a $300,000 grant to develop 12 units of single-family housing, which will be affordable to households at or below 60% of the area median income. The homes will be located in East Akron and have three bedrooms. Total project cost is $925,944 (1997).

East Akron Neighborhood Development Corporation received a $150,000 grant to acquire six single-family units on the east side of Akron. The organization will provide downpayment assistance and closing costs to low-income homebuyers (1997).

Twinsburg Community Center, in conjunction with Family Solutions, JOBS and the Summit County Department of Economic Development, received a $65,000 grant to operate a two-year housing program. The program will help transitional housing clients achieve homeownership in northern Summit County. The program is expected to serve five families (1997).

Catholic Service League received a $81,000 grant to expand its homeless prevention assistance to households facing eviction and foreclosure to more effectively address root causes of homelessness and assure stability to the households assisted. The program will assist 65 households with incomes at or below 35% of the area median income (1997).

Neighborhood Conservation Services of Barberton received a $30,000 grant to provide emergency home repair for 18 homeowners at or below 35% of area median income (1997).

East Akron Neighborhood Development Corporation received a $45,000 grant to conduct an emergency home repair program for senior citizen homeowners with incomes at or below 35% of the area median income. The program will serve 51 households (1997).

Akron Housing Network, Inc., a group of 55 housing-related organizations, received a $73,600 grant to make at least 33 emergency home repairs for homeowners at or below 35% of the area median income in the Akron and Barberton area. The Housing Network will also provide housing counseling and conduct four workshops on home repair to help homeowners develop basic home repair skills (1996).

Area Agency on Aging 10B received an $80,000 grant to make emergency home repairs and handicap accessibility improvements on 40 homes owned by senior citizens at or below 35% of the area median income. The agency serves Portage, Stark, Summit and Wayne counties (1996).

Area Agency on Aging 10B, which serves Portage, Stark, Summit and Wayne counties, received a $70,000 grant to make emergency repairs on 40 homes owned by low-income senior citizens (1995).

Community Drug Board received a $25,000 grant to support Sherman House, which provides supportive housing to graduates of RAMAR, a substance abuse program. Sherman House provides a supportive, safe environment with coordinated services (1995).

Akron Housing Network, Inc. received a $58,500 grant to make emergency repairs to at least 30 homes (1995).

Access, Inc. received an $81,000 grant to provide supportive services and rental assistance for a transitional housing program for homeless, single women in the Akron area (1995).

Community Drug Board received an $18,000 grant to rehabilitate three housing units and provide supportive services through the agency's 3/4 program. The program provides the bridge between residential programming and independent living (1995).

H.M. Life Opportunity Services received a $100,000 grant to acquire, rehabilitate and operate 12 multi-family rental housing units in two adjacent apartment buildings in Akron. This project is designed to expand its transitional housing program for single-parent families (1994).

H.M. Life Opportunity Services received a $50,000 grant to provide transitional housing, operating and supportive services to the original 11 homeless, single-parent families it serves and for 12 additional families. Services offered range from child care and transportation to individual group, legal and housing counseling (1993).

Community Support Services, Inc. received a $52,500 grant to increase accessibility to housing resources for those with severe mental illness in Summit County. The organization will develop a computer network with area benevolent landlords, provide project-based rental assistance to 45 individuals in the form of rent subsidies and develop an interest-free revolving loan account to assist program participants with households start-up expenses (1993).

Summit AIDS Housing Corporation received a $31,600 grant to develop and implement a volunteer program that will serve to recruit, train, schedule and supervise volunteers for the Summit AIDS Housing Corporation's supportive living facilities and administrative office. The grantee currently operates Micah House and ten scattered sites within the Akron Community. The trust funds will enable the grantee to hire a full-time staff person and provide related training materials (1993).

Local lenders utilized $30,734 to provide downpayment assistance to 15 area families to help them purchase their first homes.

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