Montgomery County, Maryland, Overview of Moderately
Priced Dwelling Unit Program (MPDU)
Montgomery County's Moderately
Priced Dwelling Unit (MPDU) program is believed to be the
nation's first mandatory, inclusionary zoning law that
specified a density bonus allowance to builders for providing
affordable housing. The density bonus was designed to preclude
developers from losing opportunities to build market-rate
units and to help offset some of the production costs of the
MPDUs. The program's implementation involves both the public
and private sectors, with the local government performing
regulatory and administrative functions and the building
industry producing the housing. Some highlights of the MPDU
program are as follows:
Between 12.5 and 15 percent of the total number of
units in every subdivision or high-rise building of 35 or
more units be moderately priced.
The zoning ordinance
allows a density increase of up to 22 percent above the
normal density permitted under the zone.
ordinance also allows some attached housing in single-family
zoning classifications so that optimum development of the
property can be achieved and less costly housing can be
constructed. (The density bonus, in effect, creates free
lots upon which the MPDUs are constructed. The builder
normally obtains some additional market rate units equal to
the difference between the density bonus and the MPDU
County imposes certain resale and occupancy restrictions on
the MPDUs when the completed units are sold.
Three agencies within Montgomery County, Maryland,
are key to the implementation of the MPDU
program. Click on the link
below to learn more about the different roles of these
agencies in the MPDU program:
Montgomery County
Planning Board Montgomery County Department of Park &
Planning The Maryland-National Capital Park & Planning
Commission 8787 Georgia Avenue Silver Spring, Maryland
20910 301-495-4600 Need
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