Winter 2020, Vol. 3


CPNM's Quarterly News:


Established in February 2018, Cleveland State University’s Center for Public & Nonprofit Management integrates several functions within the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs – connecting professional development, student enrichment, and faculty engagement in the areas of leadership development, management training, technical assistance, and research for the public and nonprofit sectors in Northeast Ohio.

Super Senior Social Event
On November 1st, Levin staff and the Leadership Academy 28 cohort gathered for a 'packing party' to organize donations before bringing them to Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority's Riverview Towers.
Congrats to our Leadership Academy 28 alumni and Levin community for coming together on November 7th for an afternoon of community service! Levin faculty, staff, students, and Leadership Academy alumni organized this year's "Super Senior Social" at Riverview Towers - a Cuyahoga Metropolitan Housing Authority (CMHA) property. The social included crafts, a dance party, games, a photo booth, a laser keychain maker sponsored by Cleveland Public Library's TechCentral team, and more. We were also pleased to be joined by CMHA's CEO, Jeffery Patterson. 

Although the Leadership Academy 28 cohort graduated in May 2019, the class is still giving back to the community through their capstone project: "The Super Senior Outreach Initiative," benefiting senior citizen residents throughout Cuyahoga County.
Upcoming Levin Serves: Cleveland Kids' Book Bank 
Please join us for our next Levin Serves event at the Cleveland Kids' Book Bank on Friday, February 21st, from 1-3 pm. Volunteers will sort and pack books for distribution benefiting children and families in low-income neighborhoods within the Greater Cleveland area.

Registration closes February 14th. Space is limited. Register today!
The Center for Public and Nonprofit Management is excited to announce a new professional development program set to launch later this spring. The Nonprofit Management Academy will serve as the equivalent of the Public Management Academy (geared towards nonprofit professionals). Interested in learning more? Join us on Thursday, January 23rd, from 11 am to 1 pm for a lunch & learn/information session at the Levin College.

Space is limited. To register, email 
As of 2019, Cleveland State University’s Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs now serves as the official Certified Public Manager® (CPM) program in the state of Ohio. The Certified Public Manager® (CPM) program is a comprehensive and nationally certified development program for state and local government leaders. OCPM incorporates innovative management and leadership tools and techniques equipping and empowering public service leaders to enact positive organizational change. 

To receive the CPM credential, participants must enroll in and successfully complete the Public Management Academy and Leadership Academy.

The formula to receive the nationally recognized credential is as follows:
Public Management Academy + Leadership Academy =
Ohio Certified Public Manager® Program
Upon successful completion of each academy, participants will receive a certificate. Once a participant receives both certificates, he/she is eligible for the CPM credential. As an additional service, participants in the OCPM Program may now earn academic credit that can be applied toward any undergraduate or graduate degree at the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs. 
Leadership Academy 29 is in session!

We are pleased to welcome 28 cohort members to this sessions Leadership Academy. The cohort consists of various organizations including:
  • Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District
  • Cleveland Metropolitan School District
  • City of Shaker Heights
  • City of Cleveland
  • OhioMeansJobs
  • Rocky River Public Library
  • Cleveland Metropolitan Housing Authority
  • Cleveland State University
Since October 2019, the cohort has engaged in several customized sessions focused on a wide range of topics such as leadership styles, change management, generations in the workplace, "race, equity, & inclusion," crisis communications, and more. 
On December 6th, the cohort was joined by Dean Anglin, Hunter Morrison, Mayor Clough from the City of Westlake, and Mayor Holzheimer Gail from the City of Euclid for a panel discussion on regional collaboration and leadership styles.
Enrollment for the next Public Management Academy (PMA) is now open! 

The upcoming cohort will commence on March 5, 2020 at the City of Westlake's Recreation Center, and conclude on January 28, 2021. 

As of 2020, we are excited to offer scholarship opportunities!
For additional information regarding scholarship eligibility, contact
our Center at (216) 687-3509.
2019-2020 Public Management Academy (PMA) Cohort

Since May, the current PMA cohort engaged in several customized workshops. The cohort is nearing the end of this program, and will present their process-improvement projects on Wednesday, March 4th. 

If you're interested in attending the project presentations, please contact     
Rob Ziol at (216) 687-3509.
Our four-day LeanOhio Boot Camp session at Levin College took place in November. The cohort consisted of public sector employees from organizations such as the Medina County Health Department, the City of Cleveland, CMSD, the Mansfield Agency Area on Aging, as well as Levin College students (or "fellows") who were invited to participate in this program. 
For more information about professional development programs, contact Rob Ziol at
The Women's Leadership Series (Women Empowering Women) officially launched in October 2018 under CPNM and the Ohio Center for the Advancement of Women in Public Service.

After serving in the Ohio Senate for over 16 years, Senator Grace L. Drake founded the Ohio Center for the Advancement of Women in Public Service in 2001 at the Maxine Goodman Levin School of Urban Affairs. Senator Drake established the Center in hopes of inspiring more women to pursue public sector careers.

The Women's Leadership Series was created to engage and empower public and nonprofit sector leaders throughout Northeast Ohio, while promoting the concept of gender representation at all levels of leadership. The theme - "Women Empowering Women"- hones in on the notion that women should support, empower, and mentor one another. The series' programming is strategically designed to capitalize on this theme of empowerment within sectors where political pressures are at play, resources remain tight, and the competition to rise to executive leadership endures.
Diversity and Inclusion Workshop:
Busting Myths and Building Allyship
On November 13th, our Center welcomed around 50 public & nonprofit professionals to our latest Women Leadership Series workshop ; "Diversity and Inclusion: Busting Myths and Building Allyship."  By addressing the action items identified at our Courageous Conversations event held back in March, participants explored what diversity & inclusion means to different people, busted common myths (about race, age, mental health, sexual orientation, gender, etc.), and worked together to build allyship. A special thank you goes out to our facilitators:
  • Allison Morford (Individual Giving Director at City Year Cleveland);
  • Jejuana Brown (Program Manager of the Commission of Economic Inclusion at Greater Cleveland Partnership);
  • Shanette Buford-Brazzell (Assistant Director of External Relations at CWRU's Weatherhead School of Management).
We'd also like to extend a thank you to Lourdes Negron-McDaniel who served as a

Various resources were given at the end of the session to assist participants with continuing to break down boundaries & stereotypes, such as 'The Cleve-Book,' shown below. This guide book was inspired by 'The Green Book,' a historical directory of places and services friendly to African Americans from 1936-1956, written by Victor Hugo Green.

'The Cleve-Book' was given to attendees inspiring them to explore the city of Cleveland. The guide included upcoming cultural events, a sample of a few ethnic culinary destinations, and a list of media/book recommendations given to our Center by The Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio.
Thank you to everyone who helped make the Women's Leadership "Diversity and Inclusion: Busting Myths and Building Allyship" event such a success! 
Thank you to the Wenk Family Charitable Foundation

for awarding additional funds to sponsor 

this series for 2020! 
Mentoring Kick-Off Dinner
Thank you to everyone who attended the mentoring kick-off dinner on October 24th. We were happy to announce at the dinner that this year's cohort is the largest in program history, consisting of over 110 members.

Thank you to everyone continuing to make the Mentoring Program a success!
Meet the Mentor Panel
The Center for Public & Nonprofit Management's "Meet the Mentor" panel was held on November 21st in the Dively Auditorium. Current Mentoring Program cohort members had the opportunity to ask four mentors/panelists questions about their professional and academic journeys. 

The panelists were:
Upcoming Mentoring Event:
Community Engagement Project
at the ArtCraft Building
On January 30th, the mentoring cohort will team up with artist Jane Finley from Across the Lines Cleveland for a community engagement art project benefiting Women of Hope, Inc. Women of Hope, Inc. is a nonprofit organization which works to provide safe housing and supportive services to women experiencing homelessness.

We look forward to seeing our mentoring cohort at the event!
Meet Alexis James! Alexis is a Levin undergrad studying Nonprofit Administration, and will be graduating in 2020. She interned at Laura's Home Women's Crisis Center (The City Mission) resource center, assisting women with finding housing & employment, improving financial literacy, teaching computer & digital skills, etc. For her internship project, she created a resource fair where numerous local organizations set up tables promoting resources they provide. Read more about her internship at Laura's Home Women's Crisis Center here!
Meet Alexandria Ferrera! Alexandria is a Levin undergrad studying Organizational Leadership and will be graduating Fall 2020. She worked as a social media intern for After School All-Stars (ASAS), a nonprofit organization that works with high risk youth by providing them with free after school programming in Cleveland. Alexandria was offered a position upon internship completion, and now works as an operations assistant within the organization! Congrats, Alexandria! Learn more about her internship at After School All-Stars here!
Interested in hosting a student intern? 
Contact Alexandra Higl at
Copyright © |2019| The Center for Public & Nonprofit Management| All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, UR 244
Cleveland, OH 44115