Urban Design Discussion (Maps)
Scenarios as Defined by the Client:
1. Maintain Burke as an airport and enhance its economic viability.
2. Remove the airport and redevelop the Burke site as residential, retail,
or other public uses.
3. Maintain Burke as an airport, but redevelop its periphery and adjacent
property with complimentary uses and/or public access opportunities.
I have presented
a number of different land use options which correspond to the above scenarios.
(See attached Land Use Designations for Burke Lakefront Airport labeled
with the appropriate scenario for which each land use map applies.) I
have also included a possible land use designation for a scenario which
includes a one runway airport, allowing more acreage for residential use.
Each drawing indicates a multiuse path along the perimeter, including
areas directly adjacent to the future runway uses. FAA regulations may
prevent a path from running adjacent to airport property. If this is the
case, the placement of the path can be adjusted to coincide with appropriate
FAA regulations. A multiuse path will allow for easy pedestrian passage
through the property and ensure the continuity of existing path systems.
In each drawing we propose extending E. 18th, 26th, 30th, 36th, and 40th
streets so that they continue into the current BLA property. As it stands,
E. 18th, 26th, 30th, 36th, and 40th streets dead end at Lakeside Ave.
Extending these streets to the BLA property will allow greater public
access to future development along the lakefront. It may be determined
at some point that an additional access point is needed at E. 12th Street.
The western edge of the site, regardless of scenario, contains a marina
that will be used to increase activity in the North Coast Harbor area.
The added marina on the western edge of the site allows for boating activities
to occur at both ends of the property.
A 22 Acre parcel of land, designated landscaped parking, is reflected
in each drawing regardless of scenario. This land was created using buried
garbage and must be capped to ensure safe recreational use. We determined
that a nicely landscaped parking lot will satisfy contamination encapsulation
requirements and serve as centrally located parking.
Land Use Designation: Acreage According to Scenario
(The following acreage is approximate and flexible)
Scenario #1
Future Runway Use: 196 Acres
Landscaped Parking: 22 Acres
Enhanced Airport Operations: 140 Acres
Public Space including marina, park/open space, and path: 92 Acres
Site Total: 450 Acres
Future Runway
Use: 0 Acres
Landscaped Parking: 22 Acres
Residential Uses: 140 Acres
Retail/Commercial: 44 Acres
Active Recreation: 22 Acres
Public Space including marina, park/open space, and path: 222 Acres
Site Total: 450 Acres
#3 w/ Programmed Park
Future Runway
Use: 196 Acres
Landscaped Parking: 22 Acres
Enhanced Airport Operations: 60 Acres
Programmed Park Use: 80 Acres
Public Space including marina, park/open space, and path: 92 Acres
Site Total: 450 Acres
Future Runway
Use: 196 Acres
Landscaped Parking: 22 Acres
Airport Operation: 20 Acres
Retail/Commercial: 40 Acres
Residential Uses: 65 Acres
Public Space including marina, park/open space, and path: 107 Acres
Site Total: 450 Acres
Optional Airport
Scenario w/ One Runway
Future Runway
Use: 90 Acres
Landscaped Parking: 22 Acres
Airport Operation: 20 Acres
Retail/Commercial: 40 Acres
Residential Uses: 171 Acres
Public Space including marina, park/open space, and path: 107 Acres
Site Total: 450 Acres